WeeBadgerThe WeeBadger is a small Java application that runs on the machines you wish to use in your test. This application will take instructions from a MasterBadger and execute the states as instructed. All data is sent to it from the MasterBadger and does not require any prior knowledge of the system file it is going to run. By default the WeeBadger should not require any parameters to be passed in. It will auto discover the MasterBadger by broadcasting out a small multicast message on each of the network interfaces it detects on the machine. Depending on your platform you can run up the WeeBadger from the %installation folder%/bin/ folder using one of the following methods: Windows XP c:\blackbadger\bin\> slavebadger.bat Linux [user@machine /opt/blackbadger/bin/] sh slavebadger.sh You can pass in the following parameters:
Example Usage: Windows XP c:\blackbadger\bin\> slavebadger.bat -ip -logfile wee.log Linux [user@machine /opt/blackbadger/bin/] sh slavebadger.sh -ip -logfile wee.log Once the MasterBadger has connected to the WeeBadger, then all console output will be sent to both the local file and to the MasterBadger. While a WeeBadger will only execute one system plan at once, it does not require restarting between runs. Although in test environments it is important to make sure the machine is in a good clean state. It is therefore advisable that one places the WeeBadger code in the start up of the machine and on the final state make a call to reboot the machine. |